Thursday 12 December 2013

Font Exploration

For my book I have been exploring the use of common fashion fonts and typography to use in helping to convey the use of language in fashion. Above is a list of the common typefaces used in popular fashion magazines that I compiled and have been testing in some of my preliminary designs. So far I have been enjoying the use of Futura, Didot, Baskerville & Devine.

Rough Pagination Chart

This is a rough draft of the pagination chart for my language of fashion book. So far there will be approximately 120 pages, with some missing content. As I continue to do my research I hope to fill the pages with relevant content, and interesting ways of creatively conveying the content that so far is largely text based.

Fashion's Favourite Word: Chic

This is some play with type, to represent the variety of ways that the word chic is used within the language of fashion. These are the ways in which chic has modified that I have found so far in doing my primary research. The larger the text the greater it has been represented across media including blog and magazine content.

Initial Inspiration for Creative

The book London and Language by Ryan Bennett explores the various strands of language found in the diverse city of London by using a variety of typographic and graphic design elements. This book has inspired my creative capstone to develop a book on the language of fashion, and how I can use graphic design elements to convey the concepts that I hope to explore throughout the book.